East Renfrewshire Council | E.ON Control Solutions
EEVS verifies 76% energy savings from smart lighting upgrade at East Renfrewshire Council’s Thornliebank Depot.
E.ON Control Solutions was appointed to deliver three phases of energy efficiency upgrades for East Renfrewshire Council under the Scottish Government’s Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency Framework (NDEEF).
This Framework requires a guaranteed level of energy savings to be achieved - and verified by an independent Measurement & Verification (M&V) Professional – before a performance retention payment is released to the supplier.
One project in the programme was the application of smart lighting controls at Thornliebank Depot:
EEVS verified 93,161 kWh savings per annum attributable to the lighting control upgrade.
East Renfrewshire Council serves a population of around 100,000 over an area of 175 square kilometres to the southwest of Glasgow in Scotland. The Council is committed to a net zero carbon emissions target by 2045. Energy efficiency in the Council’s own buildings has been, and is expected to remain, a pillar of carbon savings efforts in the Council’s Get to Zero Action Plan.
E.ON Control Solutions submitted a successful bid to one of the first NDEE framework tenders in 2016 and continued working with the Council over three phases of energy efficiency upgrades.
One of the primary customer benefits of the NDEE framework is that it commits the supplier to meeting a guaranteed energy savings target, and that their performance against the guarantee must be independently verified before final payment is made to the supplier.
This gives customers much needed confidence and credibility in the reported results - and trust in the value for money of a supplier-delivered investment.
With experience of independently delivering and verifying performance measurement for public sector energy performance contracting projects since 2011, EEVS was appointed as independent verifier and M&V expert for the three phases of work with East Renfrewshire Council and have gone on to provide independent verification for over 20 NDEEF schemes covering £30m of investment.
Energy Saving Project: lighting upgrade at Thornliebank Depot
Following successful implementation of LED replacements for 117 internal and 16 floodlights at Thornliebank Depot E.ON Control Solutions set upon squeezing further savings out of the internal lighting by adding their “Lite IP” smart lighting controls. E.ON Control Solutions projected to make significant savings by dimming or switching off light fittings during periods of high natural light levels, or low occupancy at the site.
The EEVS Savings Verification Process & Results
To aid the independent performance verification process, E.ON Control Solutions implemented automatically read sub-metering covering 100 of the 117 light fittings. This was installed prior to activating the “Lite IP” controls such that a robust business as usual baseline of energy consumption could be established.
After activation the savings were measured over a 2-month reporting period and results extrapolated to the total 117 fittings.
EEVS performance analysis included modelling for a range of external natural light conditions to provide an accurate projection of the energy savings over a typical 12 month period.
EEVS analysis concluded that energy savings of 93,161 kWh per annum were attributable to the scheme – and that this could reasonably be expected to persist in future years.
At the time, the Council were paying c. 13p per kWh for electricity and this generated £12,000 of Year 1 financial savings – much higher today. The scheme is also contributing a 3 Tonne CO2e saving towards the Council’s net zero goals (at 2023 Green Book conversions).
The verified results gave the Council confidence that the guaranteed savings had been achieved and the performance retention payment was released to E.ON Control Solutions.

Having worked with EEVS in two earlier phases of energy efficiency measures being delivered by E.ON Control Solutions, we had confidence the independent savings verification that EEVS provided was accurate, and carried out in a professional and thorough manner.
The information provided by EEVS highlighted either the shortfall or the surplus between the actual and projected savings post installation of the energy conservation measures to provide a clear basis for sign off in the case of surplus or requirement for remedial works to improve performance in the case of shortfall.
Post installation of the new lighting controls at Thornliebank Depot the savings numbers were validated and as result of the verification process carried out by EEVS, East Renfrewshire Council were able to transfer the retention monies back to E.ON Control Solutions as the savings achieved surpassed the projections.
I would recommend that any energy saving project should be subject to performance guarantee clause – supported by independent verification – where the contractor is subject to retention or other financial penalty until it can be proven that the savings achieved are as "good" as promised in the business case.”
Andrew Tweedie, Energy Manager, East Renfrewshire Council