Independent Measurement & Verification for Suppliers

Boost the credibility and saleability of your energy saving offer with expert M&V and savings verification services built in.

To invest with confidence, customers need certainty that you will deliver great value.

By helping you to prove your energy saving performance to global best practice standards, EEVS does just this.

We’ll ensure you have the right M&V expertise and processes in place to confidently demonstrate your energy, cost and carbon-saving record - and win more business as a result.

Use your EEVS-verified status to

Increase Sales

Confidently capture buyer attention, especially if they are hesitant to engage unproven suppliers.

Boost reputation

Showcase your performance, reliability and value for money and forge stronger client partnerships.

Prove reliability

Buyers want a trusted supply chain. Your EEVS-verified status will show you are a best-in-class supplier.

Stand out

Enhance your bids. Instantly elevate the appeal of your commercial offer and stand out from your competitors.

Three ways we can help:

EEVS as your outsourced M&V expert

If you need M&V expertise and capability, our team of PMVE and PMVA-qualified experts can manage the M&V process for you, ensuring it adheres to IPMVP and helps boost customer confidence.

How we help

  • Data gaps increase uncertainty and scepticism in reported savings. Get EEVS experts plugged-in early with your project development team to ensure baselines are fully analysed, adequate M&V costs are built in, and opportunities to improve data quality (e.g. new metering) are identified. This underpins robust project specification and trusted savings outcomes, as well as supporting funding applications.

  • The key document specified by the IPMVP aimed at building trust and transparency – a project specific M&V Plan is developed and agreed by stakeholders prior to project implementation. This crystallises baseline data and sets out the processes, calculations, and responsibilities to collect data and report savings. Getting this right will ensure robust reporting data and stakeholder ‘buy-in’ to build confidence in the process. 

  • EEVS experts support your implementation teams to ensure mission critical M&V activities and set up (e.g. spot measurements, new metering, commissioning records etc.) are correctly delivered such that savings reporting can be mobilised without data loss or delay.

  • The output of the M&V process, EEVS experts will bring together the data and operate the M&V Plan procedures - whilst accounting for change – to deliver savings reporting tailored to customer needs at agreed intervals (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually).

EEVS as independent verifier of your savings figures

For when you have in-house M&V capability, but need project-specific figures to be verified to IPMVP standards.

This best practice approach is increasingly used by corporate and public sector organisations. We work with a range of suppliers to ensure savings claims are checked and trusted by their customers.

How we help

  • Every project and site are different. Tap-in to EEVS’ experience of working with thousands of different sites, a broad range of energy saving technologies and services suppliers, to help you find the most appropriate M&V solution.

  • Following the content requirements in the IPMVP, EEVS experts carry out a comprehensive review, recommend improvements, and work iteratively with your team to ensure these are satisfactorily implemented. Gaining customer ‘buy-in’ at this stage is critical to their trust in the results. EEVS review offers transparency and confidence that the necessary due diligence has been carried out to facilitate sign-off.

  • A successful M&V Process requires ongoing attention to ensure a robust evidence base can be presented when it comes to reporting. EEVS experts support your team by verifying energy saving activity and site change documentation, related adjustments, and estimations for data loss. Supporting workable solutions at project board meetings facilitates sign-off and gives stakeholders transparency and confidence in project governance.

  • Verifying against the agreed M&V Plan and IPMVP best practice principles, EEVS experts review savings reporting to ensure the claims are accurate, well evidenced, and free from error. This crucial quality assurance function fulfils this aspect of IPMVP good practice requirements and gives credibility in the results to facilitate prompt sign-off, critically where guarantee and gain-share payments are at stake.

EEVS as your M&V training partner to upskill your team

From courses leading to professional M&V qualifications, to short masterclasses to boost confidence in, and understanding of, day-to-day M&V application, we have a range of training options to help upskill your team.

How we help

  • After a short introduction to the IPMVP following EVO’s level 2 syllabus, for which attendees receive a certificate, we dive into the practical aspects of M&V using EEVS’ own real-world examples and facilitated exercises; how do you build and critique M&V Plans, analyse energy data, build baseline models, report savings, and assess accuracy. Learn from EEVS’ wealth of practical project experience to build your team capability. Find out more.

  • Once your team has established practical capability the next step is to formalise this by following EVO’s level 3A foundation syllabus and gain the Performance Measurement & Verification Analyst (PMVA) qualification. Find out more.

  • To distinguish professionals that regularly deliver high quality M&V Plans and Savings Reporting, EVO has developed its level 3E Performance Measurement & Verification Expert (PMVE) course and qualification. Learn from EEVS’ Hilary Wood, who is one of only a handful of trainers qualified globally to deliver this new advanced level qualification. Find out more.

  • EEVS trainers can provide ongoing advice and consultancy to give confidence to training delegates when they start to apply the learnings from the courses to their own projects. EEVS also provides opportunities for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) that help maintain professional qualification, the flagship event being the UK National Measurement & Verification Conference (MAVCON). Find out more.

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Our Case Studies

Find out more about EEVS key role in some of our client success stories:

The M&V Conference 2024

Join EEVS and leading M&V experts at MAVCON, the eighth annual conference focused solely on Measurement & Verification.

23 October, Birmingham

Get in touch

Find out how independent M&V services can enhance your energy services offer.

Ian Jeffries

Managing Director


Nick Keegan

