Lloyds Banking Group | Mitie
EEVS-verifies significant energy, cost and carbon savings attributable to this ‘no cost’ optimisation scheme implemented across the Lloyds Banking Group estate.
This ground-breaking scheme has become the blueprint for FM-delivered energy-saving-as-a-service schemes.
With payment by performance, EEVS’ independent performance verification and programme governance role has proved essential.
Scheme Overview
As part of an innovative ‘Total FM’ outsourcing deal in 2012 Lloyds Banking Group appointed Mitie to deliver energy savings across their estate. Via this contract, a team of energy managers and engineers have been deployed to identify and deliver efficiencies to existing plant and equipment via ‘no-cost optimisation’.
To drive year-on-year performance improvements, minimum energy saving targets were set alongside a performance incentive structure.
EEVS Performance Assurance
A scheme of this type and scale had not been undertaken before and, new innovative ways of working were required. Providing sufficient visibility of the achieved energy savings and how these performance claims were being determined was key, and as the leading experts in this field, EEVS worked with both contract parties to provide the solutions and evidence.
During 2016 EEVS worked with the Bank to embed a new programme governance and IPMVP-led savings verification framework into the existing scheme. From this point forward, Mitie and the Bank worked to the new systems and processes including:
Works approvals – Mitie submit full details of all energy saving activities for EEVS approval. This provides an essential evidence-base to support claims.
External audit – the quarterly submission of all savings claims, data, information and calculations for a comprehensive EEVS audit review.
Governance meetings – formal all-party sessions to review EEVS audit findings, resolve key issues, and sign off verified year-to-date figures.
Annual Sign Off – the EEVS-verified figures are used to report the scheme’s energy saving performance to senior management. Signed off (and ‘locked in’) annually by both parties.
Technical training – periodic training for Bank staff to improve understanding of IPMVP good practice performance measurement and verification processes (M&V).